Tea and time with the elderly

The Robin Hood Foundation treated residents of Essenwood Residence to tea and some quality time.

MEMBERS of the Robin Hood Foundation took time out to visit the women at Essenwood Residence on Thursday.

The women treated the residents to cake and biscuits and spent time talking to them and making them feel special.

Kim Jones from Robin Hood Foundation said the group had been visiting different homes over the past few weeks spending time with the elderly, to thank them for their continuous support through knitting and getting involved in the foundation's projects.

“We really appreciate the hard work put in by them and we want them to know they are loved and appreciated. These women need a sense of purpose. They need to continue teaching us about the way they grew up. These women radiate such grace, and we need them to enable us to teach our children what real women are. They have come for an informal tea but dress up so beautifully. These women have such grace and strength and we thank them for their beautiful smiles. They must never stop inspiring and teaching our generation,” said Kim.

The women from Essenwood Residence handed over a bundle of knitted items to the Robin Hood Foundation for its various projects.

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