Workers’ meeting turns ugly

The municipality is looking into issues relating to the divisional conditions of service among labour.

ETHEKWINI mayor James Nxumalo called an urgent Special Executive Committee (EXCO) meeting last night (Monday 5 May) to look into issues relating to the divisional conditions of service among labour, following a violent strike in Durban yesterday.

A meeting between officials and municipal workers turned violent when workers allegedly became enraged when told the matter would only be discussed next week.

Angry workers then left the gathering at Currie’s Fountain and trashed parts of the Durban CBD barricading roads with rubbish and debris, and burning tyres in the streets, affecting afternoon traffic.

The city said negotiations have resulted in agreements on most issues adding that the only outstanding issue is the period within which to effect payment to affected employees.

In October last year, the municipality had 30 days to set up temporary conditions of service for more than 20 000 of its staff members. This came after the Supreme Court of Appeals ruled that the original conditions set up in 2007 were no longer valid.

The municipality says it was currently in negotiations with Provincial and National Treasury and the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs to find a way forward.

“EXCO unanimously proposed a settlement which has been tabled to the leadership of SAMWU and IMATU, who will consult with their members. In addition, the Speaker will convene a special meeting of the full council next week to ratify the EXCO decision. The city manager was mandated to communicate the EXCO decision to National Treasury, COGTA and Auditor General. The Municipality is committed to finding an amicable solution to this matter,” said Tozi Mthethwa, head of the eThekwini communications unit.

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