Police and watch partner for community night walk

A community walk on Friday evening initiated by a Morningside neighbourhood watch and Berea police led to successful crime free weekend.

THE Rapson and Hawthorne Community Watch embarked on a community walk together with Berea police on Friday evening, 28 March to show visibility after last Sunday’s shooting.

According to Lieutenant PN Naidoo, the walk aimed to show community and police visibility to wipe out criminal elements. “Last week, a bystander was shot when robbers pretending to ask for directions fled after robbing a couple in Ross Gardens Road. We want to take a proactive approach and have patrols in the area. The walk was very effective with random searches of suspicious people. We had a quiet crime weekend after this positive initiative by the community and police,” he said.

Alistair MacKenzie, a member of the Rapson and Hawthorne Neighbourhood Watch felt the the walk was successful, especially with the public and police support. “For the first time in that area, people of the community walked there with no fear. Quite a few people asked what was happening and were supportive of the initiative, this shows community concern turn into action after the shooting last week,” he added.

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