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Disabled mum’s cards inspire others

Quadriplegic, Sharon Johnson does not let her disability stop her from trying to make a living. The Kenneth Gardens resident uses her bed as a home"office" when she gets creative making her WOW Greeting cards.

SHARON Johnson may not be able to walk and can barely sit up for more than a few minutes, however the passionate card maker is still able to make beautiful decorative cards from her workstation, which is her bed.

The Kenneth Gardens resident has been a quadriplegic since 1989, after being in a car crash where she broke her neck. “My life changed in an instant. I was 24, a successful sales rep, had a company car taking care of my two children and the next minute I was separated from my children and in and out of homes and institutions for the disabled.”

During the toughest times of her life, one thing kept her going. “I always clung to the hope of one day getting a home for my children and I.”

The mother of two said both her children were brought up by her parents as there was no place for children at the institutions she found herself in. “It has always been my dream to start an organisation for Women on Wheels, especially single women because my experience is that there is no institution set up for women with children.”

Life has not been too kind to Sharon, but that has not got her down. Sharon wrote a motivational letter to the Association for the Physically Disabled, applying for a computer and printer and since she hooked onto the Internet, with the Photo Publisher programme, she has been letting her creative juices flow.

“I don’t want to dwell on my disability. Before I became bedridden, I used to make greeting cards and bookmarks which I sold at Essenwood Market.” Since 2009, however, she has been unable to sit in a wheelchair for more than a few minutes and needs to lay down on a couch or bed which prevents her from going out to sell her limited edition cards.

“These cards are made with passion and love, by a disabled lady in her bed. I want to get my cards out there and would like to inspire other disabled women because there are some things we can do and are good at that we could make a living out of.

“I didn’t want to make the run of the mill greeting cards but inspirational and personalised ones. ”

The decorative cards are embellished with gems, rhinestones and pearls by Sharon and her daughter, making each one unique. The cards are aptly called WOW Greeting Cards, an acronym for Women on Wheels, Women out Working and Words of Wisdom, Sharon said.

Sharon is hoping to set up a website to market her cards and sell them through local gift shops or florists. Email Sharon on: sajohnson.wow@telkomsa.net to assist or to learn more about WOW.

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