Cancer is not a death sentence, says radiant bride

Spinal cancer does not stop this high spirited 23-year-old bride from her dream white wedding at Highway Hospice.

SHANNEL Pillay may not be able to walk down the aisle as she had hoped for when she was a young girl, but the 23-year-old cancer patient did get her dream white wedding on Saturday, 21 September at Highway Hospice where she is being treated.

The young bride looked beautiful as she was wheeled down the aisle of the Hospice Quiet Room where a minister joined Shannel and her husband Timothy together in holy matrimony.

Shannel got registered to her high school sweetheart, Timothy four years ago and the couple have a three year old daughter. However Shannel wanted to realise her dream of wearing the dress and saying vows to her husband before family and friends in an intimate ceremony. The idea of having a wedding was something that just happened while doing “memory work” with Highway Hospice psycho-social manager, Roshini Naidoo.

Naidoo explained that the memory work was part of the emotional support and care offered. “We do a memory box with the patient and family, especially children, to help them have balanced memories of their loved ones. It could include any meaningful items like letters, photos, jewellery and significant treasured items which they both decorate together.

“While working on Shannel’s memory box for little Christine, she mentioned her dream was always to have a white wedding and we try as much as possible to facilitate the patient’s dreams and add value because life is so unpredictable,” said Naidoo.

Shannel recalls how fast her life changed over the last year. “I was working and leading a normal life when I started getting back pain at the beginning of last year. I went to doctors and was told it was muscle spasms and given medication. In July last year I had an operation for a lump on my neck. I was getting ready to be discharged and told doctors I was getting pains again when the results came back and I was diagnosed with cancer of the spine,” she said.

Within four short months she went from being a busy working mother to paralysis and was confined to a bed. “I initially thought it was a death sentence, I was so scared. It has been a difficult year but I have been able to cope because I am a positive person and very spiritual and believe God is getting me through this,” she said.

After a few radium treatments and one session of chemotherapy, Shannel decided to stop the treatment and focus on a more quality filled life. “It was important to spend time with my daughter and husband, the treatment was too draining but my family are very supportive and encourage me,” she said.

The brave young woman arrived at Highway Hospice a few months ago for pain and symptom management but struggled because she pined for her daughter and family. This month she came back on her own as a respite patient and has been at Hospice for nearly a month.

It was her anniversary on 16 September and she remembered a promise she and Timothy made to have their family together for a white wedding, something they both wanted when the time was right. “I also wanted to have a wedding for my baby and didn’t want her to grow up and look for her parents’ wedding photos and ask why there weren’t any. I’m so excited but can’t get too excited because it brings on the spasms and perspiration,” she said, laughing.

Her positive and resilient personality shone through on the big day, making her a most radiant bride. Timothy could not take his eyes off her.

Highway Hospice was instrumental in creating her dream wedding with the help of many individuals and volunteers who chipped in to make Shannel’s dream wedding a reality, from the dress, her hair and make up to getting her nails done.

After their vows Timothy said, “My wish is to see her walk again. I thank God for her and Christine and that He is keeping her strong. I will love her till the day I die. She is looking so beautiful,” he added blushing.

With tears welling in her eyes Shannel, managed a few words at the reception. “I thank my husband for standing by me through the tough times and my family and friends and everyone that is here, thank you and I love you all.”

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