Glitz and glam at charity ball

Yet another successful charity ball was held in support of The Sunflower Fund.

THE Sunflower Fund held its annual high profile fundraising Charity Ball, in association with IBV International Vaults, on Friday, 26 May at Durban’s Elangeni Hotel.

Guests were treated to outstanding entertainment, including performances by the Durban Gospel Choir and enjoyed a three-course meal and a charity auction, held to raise further funds which will enable The Sunflower Fund to create awareness, educate and recruit stem cell donors to increase the number of people registered on the South African Bone Marrow Registry (SABMR).

Speaking at the event, Stephanie Berry, regional manager for The Sunflower Fund in KZN, said the registry had grown from 1 200 donors to 73 500 donors over the past 17 years, but that there was still a long way to go to reach the goal of 400 000 donors in the country.

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