
Municipality aims to improve services

The municipality will be improving services to the public through Public Service Week.

A HIGH-LEVEL delegation comprising senior political leadership and officials will visit various service delivery sites in eThekwini to assess the working environment of staff and evaluate the level of service rendered to the public.

These visits will be rolled out from October and are aimed at inculcating a culture of excellence in the public service, instil and rebuild good ethics, morale and professionalism.

A report tabled before the Executive Committee on Wednesday outlined the rollout in eThekwini which has been divided into five regions that will be visited by teams during Public Service Week.

Tozi Mthethwa, head of communications for eThekwini Municipality, said Public Service Week forms part of Public Service Month which is an important national Batho Pele vehicle. The roll-out will be from October to December and councillors from each sub-committee in the City will be assigned to the teams.

Public Service Month is a service delivery mechanism aimed at strengthening visibility and access by taking quality services closer to where people live. It is an annual service delivery event embraced by all spheres of government. As part of the visits, there will be engagement sessions with ratepayers as well as exhibitions, campaign initiatives and interventions. This an opportunity to take services to the people and assess the progress of implemented programmes,” she said.

Mthethwa said teams will visit service centres in five regions such as Sizakala Customer Service Centres, libraries and clinics, to assess the service offered to the public and how it can be improved.

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