
DASO condemns violence at UKZN

The DA's Students Organisation condemns the burning of UKZN facilities, in particular, the law library and calls for police to arrest the perpetrators.

EDITOR – The Democratic Alliance Students Organisation (DASO) UKZN will call for a special general meeting as per the university’s constitution, between management and students, following the chaos that has erupted on campus in the last 24 hours.

DASO condemns in no uncertain terms the burning of UKZN facilities, in particular, the law library and calls for police to arrest the perpetrators.

We are also concerned by claims of police brutality. We call upon the students who were allegedly been attacked by the police to come forward and report these incidents. DASO will assist affected students by reporting these alleged incidents to the IPID.

A strong student and university leadership is needed right now. This urgent meeting should come up with solutions that will end this anarchy that has been witnessed at the university.

The DA once again calls for calm at UKZN as we work on finding a solution to the fee increase crisis in Higher Education.  While the DA respects students’ right to protest, students must be reminded of their responsibility to respect the property of universities.

Violence and vandalism are never solutions to problems we may encounter. Not only will this destruction cost the already financially distressed university money, but it will also not help the protestors’ cause.

These actions will only set back any progress made to ensure South African universities are inclusive and functioning institutions for all. The DA will do all it can to ensure immediate and lasting solutions are found at UKZN.

Sizwe Msweli

DASO Representative

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