
Bulwer Park is once again an asset to the city

Praise for the Bulwer Park Urban Regneration project by the city's Parks Recreation and Culture Unit.

EDITOR – The motivation behind the formation of Save Our Berea has always been to have an efficient, honest, caring municipality, free from corruption.

We are not particularly interested in the party politics because it creates a false narrative where ego rules the roost and the wearing of one set of colours or another is enough to brand the other as the enemy. Not unlike football hooliganism where to wear the wrong colours in the wrong place, will end in personal injury.
As a civic action group we will criticize whatever political party, we believe does not act in the interest of the people, on any particular issue. By the same token, actions taken that enhance the city and provide the sort of the environment we all want, must be praised.

We congratulate the Parks Recreation and Culture Unit for following through on the Bulwer Park Urban Regeneration project which was implemented by eThekwini Municipality Architecture Department a few years ago. Parks are public open spaces. They are, and should be more than a green lung in the middle of an urban environment. They should be a space that is used by the people for relaxation and exercise. They need to be safe. It is a worldwide problem that these open spaces often become a haven for crime and vagrants and are hijacked by undesirables.
Bulwer Park enjoys a unique position in our city. It is surrounded by residential developments but also has other different uses on its boundaries – a major primary school, restaurant and art gallery, the offices of the Society of Architects and a popular sports club.

The creation of a free open-air gym is a winner. It is well utilised. The path that has been laid for walking and running is a wonderful asset. And like all these things the proof of the pudding is in the eating. If you drive past the park at any time during the day, it is being used and is back in the hands of the citizens and has become an essential part of the social fabric.
To see that the city is building a new depot there would hardly be exciting but for the innovation that will accompany that development.  A fast food/sit-down restaurant and public toilets all housed in an attractive looking building.

The municipality needs to make sure that the toilets are clean and safe. It would also be a big plus if the talented wire artists who sell their crafts from the pavement in Bulwer Road were accommodated with some storage in the building. They are decent hard-working people and we should be encouraging those who are prepared to create their own honest income, rather than turning to crime.
Well done to all those responsible! Bulwer Park is once again an asset to this city.

Kevin Dunkley
Cheryl Johnson

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