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Who is responsible?

A reader comments on the lack of infrastructure within our police force.

EDITOR – Media reports regarding the heart-wrenching murder of Newcastle farmer, 44 year old Timothy Green, highlight not only the increase in our country’s violent crime, but also the lack of infrastructure within our police force. Apparently Timothy Green’s last phone call before being shot dead was to a friend who immediately “called the police station, but was told that no vehicles were available. Newcastle police arrived an hour later.”

Will the President and government of South Africa take responsibility for this sad situation… and strive towards leading by example and transparency?

Reuel Khoza, Nedbank chairman, said in a statement: “Our political leadership’s moral quotient is degenerating and we are fast losing the checks and balances that are necessary to prevent a recurrence of the past.” Frank Chikane warned in his talk on 11 May 2012 at the UKZN Pietermaritzburg that syndicates are taking over our country. “We have compromised leaders and a compromised police force,” he pointed out.

What can we the people do? We can each take responsibility for our choices, remembering the culture and spirit of ubuntu which literally translated means “I am because you are”. That sense of unity and harmony is possible. “As a man thinketh so is he.” Proverbs 23:7

Bobby Hackland

Ubuntu Peace Project

North Beach

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