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Desperate appeal for accommodation

A woman is appealing to a good Samaritan to help with accommodation so she can live with her father and daughter again.

A desperate woman is appealing to the community to help her with accommodation so she can live with her father and her daughter again.

The woman, who asked not to be named, has had to be separated from her daughter and father as they are unable to find accommodation which they can afford.
“I was abandoned by my ex-husband in April 2014 and found a place to stay with my father and daughter. I got divorced, however I have been fighting my ex-husband for maintenance and this is tied up in court. My father has to stay with us as I have a learning disability and he has to help my daughter with her school work. My dad was retrenched and has battled to find work, so we ended up being split up,” she said.

The woman and her daughter lived in a shelter for eight months, sharing a room with another family, however she was asked to leave when she was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer this year. 
“I was working for a cleaning company at a local hospital, and my job will be available for me once I finish my chemotherapy, however at this stage I have only a disability grant to live on, and my father has a small pension. He is living at a hostel at the moment, but can’t live there much longer. I have five more sessions of chemotherapy, and will have to have a mastectomy to remove my breast and the 4.7cm lump,” she said.

The woman is heartbroken that she has had to be separated from her daughter who is currently staying with her brother so that she can get to school. The woman is presently staying with her mother, but will need to move out by the end of the month.

“My mom rents a granny flat so I can’t stay there much longer. All I want is to be with my daughter. I am appealing to anyone in the community who would consider allowing the three of us to stay together in an outbuilding. I would be willing to work in their house and help with pets to pay our way until I am able to work at the hospital again. I don’t like being a charity case, but we are desperate,” she said.
She said she had applied for a council flat, however the waiting list is very long.

Des Friedrichs, principal of the woman’s daughter’s school, Morningside Primary, said hoped there was a good Samaritan out there who can do something for this family.
“If there is someone who might be able to offer accommodation for the three of them to be together it would be wonderful. The pupil is hard working and has potential, and she is doing well considering the circumstances. We as a school are trying to help in any way we can,” he said.

If anyone can help, they should contact 084 527 6886.

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