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Councillor condemns dumping

Councillor Martin Meyer was shocked that a butchery dumped seemingly rotten chicken in a residential road on Monday.

WARD councillor Martin Meyer slammed the persons responsible for dumping bags of rotting chicken pieces in Devil’s Dip, Percy Osborn Road on Monday.

“This is a shocking disregard for the well-being of people. Not only is this a health risk for the people living there, it also puts people who are desperate and hungry at risk as they collected some of the bags to cook and eat,” he said.

Meyer reported it to the Health Department for immediate action.

Bags of chicken dumped in Devil's Dip, Percy Osborn Road.
Bags of chicken dumped in Devil’s Dip, Percy Osborn Road.

Meyer said as he did not know the state and quality of the meat that had been dumped but feared the health risks it posed to people who may have taken the meat to eat.

He said that while residents had been unable to identify the butchery responsible for the dumped chicken, DSW had managed to identify the butchery responsible. “As there is now a legal process underway, I am not going to name the offender, but the moment I am able to, I will name and shame the butchery,” he said.

Meyer urged any residents who saw people dumping illegally to take a photo on their cellphone to capture the registration number of the vehicle.

Bags of chicken dumped in Devil's Dip, Percy Osborn Road.
Bags of chicken dumped in Devil’s Dip, Percy Osborn Road.

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