
New signage for Umbilo SAPS

Umbilo SAPS received new signage from a local security company.

VISIBILITY of the Umbilo South Africa Police Service (SAPS) has been given a welcome boost following a donation of signage from a private security company.

ADT Security sponsored new signage that has been erected around the office perimeter.

Lieutenant Colonel Dlamini, thanked ADT for their generous donation and ongoing support and commitment.

“Our visibility has been stepped up a notch with the assistance and much appreciated sponsorship from ADT Security,” he said.

Dan Maharaj, ADT Security’s Community Development Manager for North Durban, said they are happy to have been able to help.

“ADT is committed to forming partnerships with local crime fighting organisations to proactively reduce criminal activity. Having and maintaining good working relationships between various community safety organisations, including the SAPS is very important as they can yield positive results in the fight against crime,” he said.

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