
Bogus couple poses as Telkom workers

A woman is urging residents to be aware of a couple making the rounds, saying they are representing Telkom.

A MUSGRAVE resident is urging people to be aware of a couple going around trying to gain access to properties by saying they are from Telkom.

According to the resident, the man and woman visited her property two weeks ago, then returned last week at around 5.30pm.

“The couple claim to be representing Telkom and want to talk to residents about fibre optic cable installation. I contacted Telkom fraud and was told they do not have fibre optic cables in the area and that Tekom representatives do not visit private homes, especially after hours,” she said.

The woman said the couple seemed to be canvassing the area and urged residents to be wary and not to let them in their properties.

“They are definitely up to no good. Last week when they came by, one of the residents called Blue Security, and they disappeared quickly,” she said.

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