
Say ‘no’ to Zuma

Join the move to save South Africa's democracy and Constitution.

EDITOR – I am a South African and proud to be one. With my pride comes the respect for what the generations before me fought for, our freedom.

In order for it to be sustained every South African has a right to protect any violation to the Constitution of our country for the sake of continued, peace, growth and stability for the years to come for all our children in South Africa.

I have decided to embark on this campaign as father, husband and a strong man of the cloth, to bring alignment to those that have been tasked to have the best interests of the people and the country. Unfortunately it has not been so for long while now.

Together with a few good men and woman from Durban, Johannesburg and Cape Town, we have decided that enough is enough. Away with poor governance and we ask every South African to mobilise with us and let our government know the people will no longer except this callous, inconsiderate, individual mind-set of self-gratification and thereby dismissing the needs of our people in this our land.

Nelson Mandela paved the road to democracy in South Africa, making it possible for every South African to enjoy a free and fair land with benefits.

South Africa has one of the best constitutions in the world yet the very president that undertook the oath on that faithful day, Jacob Zuma, solemnly affirmed he would be faithful to the Republic of South Africa and will obey, observe, uphold and maintain the Constitution and all other law of the Republic. He also solemnly and promised to promote all that will advance the Republic, and oppose all that may harm it, and devote himself to the well being of the Republic and all of its people. These are only a few critical declarations made by the current president.

Dear South Africans, this is not what democracy is all about. One can fool some of the people some of the time; but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

Our Constitution allows us, South Africans to take back what has been polluted with lies, corruption, deceit, inconsistencies to our economy, perjury, lack of integrity at the highest level of the country, i.e. the president. South Africa, we call on you, to stop this draconian mindset and press toward the mark of the higher calling. Let us stand together and preserve our democracy and Constitution.

Join us by signing an online Petition of Recall and a march in three cities showing our support and dissatisfaction of our president who is polluting the legacy of true democracy. Contact 072 728 0075 to get involved.

Organiser, People's State Of The Nation

Shane P

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