
Good response by municipality

A reader said people must be patient when dealing with the municipality as there are many issues that arise in maintaining the vast eThekwini region.

EDITOR – The eThekwini Municipality is constantly under attack for various reasons but very seldom praised for the good work that they do in maintaining our roads and the general infrastructure of this mega-city.

I have a good story to tell – about three weeks ago I wrote to the municipality raising their attention to overgrown grass and a municipality building that needed painting and the letter was referred to the Engineer: Water Operations-bulk infrastructure under whose jurisdiction the building fell. Within a week of having written the letter I found a team of workers painting the building and over that weekend the overgrown grass was cut.

It took a very simple letter with a humble appeal to get the matter resolved and for that I need to record my appreciation to Mr Mervin Govender for his prompt response.

My advice, to would-be complainants, is that one must acknowledge that the eThekwini Municipality is a massive region covering thousands of hectares of property and roads and one must be patient given that there are many issues that arise in maintaining such a vast area.

I say: “give that man(Mervin) a Bells.”

Satisfied ratepayer


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