
Photographer celebrates female form in Africa Uncovered

A topless photographic exhibition by Roy Esterhuysen is celebrating the female form and raising funds for CANSA.

DURBAN photographer Roy Esterhuysen, held the final and Durban leg of his Africa Uncovered art exhibitionat Corner Cafe last week after a national gallery tour around the country.

The series features 17 tastefully photographed images of topless women from mid torso up, including one with a mastectomy, holding a Blue Wildebeest Skull to keep them anonymous. The personal project was something close to Esterhuysen’s as a photographer specialising in photography of the female form, lingerie and fitness photography. “I was inspired by the Free the Nipple campaign in New York that seeks to de-sexulise the nipple and female form. Also, I have ladies I shoot for, many are ordinary women and some models, yet they all have issues with their body shape and sizes. I try to take photos that make them feel confident with their so called problem areas,” he said.

As a photographer he sees firsthand how society’s pressure of what women should look like dictated by media and fashion magazines affects women. “Its a false standard that is set by society because most of those images are airbrushed.”

In creating the series, Roy used ordinary women of different ages (20-60), shapes and ethnic backgrounds from Durban. “I had a good response from most of the participant models. One who was unhappy with her breasts and wanted a boob job even told me after seeing the exhibition she feels more confident about herself so decided not to go through with it.”

Another key focus in his series is to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer. “I am raising awareness that breasts come in all shapes, sizes and colours and that our colour is still human. I’d like to invoke thought and conversation about body image and body appreciation. The series shows that we are all different and all individual and you have to love yourself and be happy with your body,” he explained.

All profit from the framed prints used in the gallery tour will go to CANSA and a portion of proceeds from re-prints will also be donated to CANSA.

For more information or to purchase a print visit: www.royesterhuysen.com/africa-uncovered or www.facebook.com/shotbyroy or https://africa-uncovered.myshopify.com

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