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Are you a risky driver?

Check out a list of risky actions you should avoid while driving.

DISTRACTED driving has been labelled by Arrive Alive as an epidemic sweeping through South African roads. Research has revealed the different types of risky actions by motorists, while behind the wheel.

Curious to know what risky behaviour you are guilty of? Check out the list of actions you should avoid:

-Texting or talking on your cellphone.

– Opening a bottle, having a drink or eating while driving.

– Changing a CD or connecting devices.

-Applying makeup, touching up your hair or checking your appearance in the mirror.

– Turning around to check on your children.

You can eliminate your risky actions by:

– Selecting your radio station or inserting your CD before you start your drive.

– Ensure your children are occupied with a sing-a-long CD or snacks so they don’t cause any distractions while you are driving.

-If something falls into the foothold, pull over and retrieve it, rather than trying to pick up the object while driving.

– Avoid texting or browsing the internet while driving, as this is a major distraction.

– You are encouraged to use a hands free device, if you need to use your phone while driving.

-Always keep your eyes focused on the road. Taking your eyes off the road for just a second can cause you to have an accident

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