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Food For Life honours students

Food for Life recently recognised the assistance of UKZN students.

FOOD for Life Children's Projects, a department of Food For Life SA, recently honored students of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, for their assistance in the various feeding and education initiatives of the project.

At the handover, project facilitator, Divesh Maharaj, said the students had regularly volunteered their time for the outreach activities at the various childcare centres in and around Durban. The students were treated to lunch and presented with certificates of gratitude.

The project combines nutrition and education as a hand in glove approach to poverty alleviation and serves hot meals to various schools and children's homes. The organisation also serves a weekly meal to about 500 students at UKZN Howard College Campus.

For information on the project, email Divesh on divesh@fflsa.org

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