
Why so mum on truck issue?

A resident feels Metro Police is shirking its responsibilities when it comes to enforcing the law against trucks.

EDITOR – Why is our ward councilor so mum on the trucks issue?

How much more evidence must we as residents provide Nicole Graham and Metro Police with proof of what is happening to our neighbourhood, it is laughable for Supt Subramoney to suggest that we need to provide an affidavit pertaining to ongoing complaints/matters that we are all familiar with and have been for the past 10 years.

The Communications Centre number 031 361 0000 (Illegal parking) is well documented but unfortunately there is no sense of urgency for Metro to attend to the complaints.

My photo shows evidence of drivers parking in front of garages and driveways and tankers in a built up area. The one in the front right was parked for three hours.

Any more proof needed?

Bobby Lamont


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