
News from Berea

Berea police have been working hard to keep crime to a minimum with the arrests of many common robbers this week.

Stolen speakers recovered

A man was arrested in the early hours of last Thursday morning when he was caught in possession of sound equipment.

According to Lieutenant PN Naidoo, Berea SAPS Communications Officer, police were patrolling along Windermere (Lillian Ngoyi) Road and noticed a suspicious man carrying two plastic bags. “They stopped and searched the man and saw there were two speakers in the bags. On questioning him as to where he got the speakers he could not give them a reasonable explanation and was charged with being in possession of suspected stolen property,” he added.

Steel thief caught in the act

A vigilant Morningside neighbour helped police arrest a steel thief on Saturday morning.

Lt PN Naidoo said a neighbour informed the Nuttal Gardens Road homeowner that there was someone on his property at about 7.30 in the morning. “The man immediately called the police who responded and met him on his property. They noticed a man cutting steel from his building site and the suspect was charged for theft and detained at SAPS Berea,” explained Naidoo.

Mugger arrested

One suspect was arrested after mugging a woman on the corner of Cowey and MarriotRroads last Saturday evening.

“She was approached by two unknown men, one grabbed her cellphone and they both ran away. She called police and after obtaining the description of the suspects, they gave chase in the direction the suspects fled. One suspect was arrested but the other fled with the cellphone,” explained Lt PN Naidoo. The suspect was arrested for common robbery.

Be crime aware says Berea SAPS

Always be vigilant whilst on the street and watch for suspicious people or vehicles and make sure you do not fall prey to robbery.

Whilst doing any construction at home make sure you do not allow criminals to work on your premises.

Do not leave valuables in your vehicle as this could tempt the preying criminals to break into your vehicle.

Do not leave windows or doors open at night for your pets as this could invite criminals.

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