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Police search for cop killers

The government needs to do something about the increase in crime, says forum chair.

THE Bulwer Community Safety Forum (BCSF) has sent its condolensces to the family of a police officer who was killed in the line of duty in Durban on Saturday night.

Constable Zethu Cele, (29), and another officer were responding to an assault/robbery which was witnessed at Bentley’s Car Wash in Wills Road in Durban’s Warwick Triangle.

They were attacked and shot by the suspects before they could get out of their police vehicle. The suspects fled the scene with a reported R1900.

According to media reports, the security guard was also assaulted and cable tied before being left behind a container at the car wash.

A witness told security seven armed men were driving a black Nissan bakkie. They were exciting a fast food container on the site when the police arrived and effectively blocked them off.

They opened fire on police Cele died at the scene. She leaves two children. Her colleague, Sergeant Ephrahim Zulu was wounded and taken to hospital.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with this constable’s family and we are praying for the full recovery of the other SAPS member who is in a critical condition,” said chairman of the BCSF, Heather Rorick.

She said she hoped those responsible were caught.

“Crime and senseless killing in our country has to be stopped and our government needs to take the problem of the increase in crime in South Africa more seriously now, and make it a priority to implement ways and means to sort out and stop crime urgently,” she said.

A case of murder and attempted murder was opened at Durban Central police station.

Provincial police commissioner Lieutenant General Mmamonnye Ngobeni also extended her condolences to the family.

“As we are celebrating women’s month, it is sad to report the death of a policewoman who was dedicated to her work in the fight against crime. We appeal to the community to work together with the police in the fight against crime and the killing of the police officers,” she said.

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