
Trucks drive and park where they want

A resident feels health and safety is compromised as a result of heavy trucks using roads in suburbs.

EDITOR – Regarding the article Heavy trucks weigh down Umbilo residents, I have personally taken up this problem with eThekwini before and even tried the Ombudsman.

Eugene Msomi (Metro Police) and Carlos Estevez (Metro roads) explained to me at that time that the trucks pay road taxes thus they can drive and park where they want to. Sunday morning 10 August, I noticed a huge double 30 wheeler truck turning into Roseneath Road where one can clearly see the “3T” and “No trucks” road sign. The driver ignored these signs.

Two weeks ago the entrance to our block was completed blocked off by one of these huge trucks. What can we do as residents? I feel our health and safety is compromised.

Tobie Van Heerden


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