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Heavy trucks weigh down Umbilo residents

Residents in Teignmouth Road are fed up with trucks and buses parking illegally in the area.

RESIDENTS living in Teignmouth Road, Umbilo are demanding action be taking against heavy vehicles who make use of residential roads to illegally park their vehicles, often trapping residents inside their residential properties and damaging roads not built for heavily laden trucks.

According to Vivienne Upton, huge 10 ton trucks, overloaded to the hilt, park in Hillier and Teignmouth Roads, damaging the streets which have just been repaired, and cause a viewing hazard for other motorists.

“You cannot see what traffic is coming up Hillier Road. Recently there was a huge accident on the corner of Hillier and Teignmouth where half the wall of Tilloch block of flats was completely destroyed. More recently, a 10 ton truck hit into the bollard on the pavement outside our office premises, but as it was built 60 yeasr ago, the truck came off second best. It was obvious that he had been drinking, so we apprehend him until the police arrive. They arrived, spoke to the driver, took no details down and took no action against the driver at all. As a taxpayer I find this attitude and service totally unacceptable,” she said.

Upton said there were traffic signs denying entry to heavies in Fairmont Road and Hillier Road, but the sign in Hillier Road had gone missing.

“These truckers have no respect for residents. We call the truck companies who don’t know what their drivers are doing, but the drivers don’t care. They sleep in the trucks and go to the tearoom, parking off for hours. Buses also park on the verge and the drivers wash them in the streets, which is illegal. No parking signs for 6 ton trucks and over are needed in these areas on both these streets ,” she said.

Caretaker at Tilloch, Johan De Beer, said the incidence of trucks parking in the roads had increased since the new bridge over Bayhead had been opened.
“These huge trucks park across the entrance to the block of flats and motorists can’t get out of the property. There was a truck leaking diesel all over the road outside our gate the other day, it is terrible. I have called Metro but they don’t come out. I have been told I have to write a petition to the Metro Police head. I feel they are ignoring the problem. This is a big issue and I don’t know what to do anymore,” he said.

Another resident said: “Hillier, Teignmouth and Stellawood Roads have become illegal parking sites for huge trucks and make driving through the area dangerous as they block the car’s view at intersections. The amount of trash that is thrown on the sides of the aforementioned roads is appalling. These streets are not cleaned up regularly and so the pile-up of litter makes the place look quite trashy. I have raised this matter with the ward councillor Nicole Graham but nothing seems to be done. If anything, the place is getting worse.”

Councillor Nicole Graham said she had repeatedly brought this to the attention of Metro Police, who claimed they did regular operations in the area.
“Unfortunately, it seems the fines are an insufficient deterrent to some and more serious action needs to be taken against repeat offenders. Metro did say they would start impounding vehicles. I will follow up with them on this. It is a huge problem throughout Umbilo and very annoying for residents,” she said.

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One Comment

  1. I have personally taken up this problem with eThekwini before and even tried the Ombudsman. Eugene Msomi (Metro Police) and Carlos Estevez (Metro road) explained to me at that time that the trucks pay road taxes thus they can drive and park where they want to.
    Sunday morning 2014/08/10 I noticed a huge double 30 wheel truck turning into Roseneath road where one can clearly see the “3T” and “No trucks” road sign and the driver ignored these signs.
    Two weeks ago the entrance to our block was completed blocked off by one of these huge trucks. What can we do as residents? I feel our Health and Safety is compromised.

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