
Hijackers hit cigarette delivery in Umbilo

A cigarette delivery van was hijacked from the Penzance Superette this morning.

UMBILO SAPS has warned of a hijacking syndicate which appears to be targeting cigarette delivery vehicles.

According to spokesperson, Beverly Manqele, a vehicle was hijacked in Cato Manor and Dalton last week, and today (24 July), another vehicle was hijacked in Penzance Road.

According to a witness, a delivery man from British Tobacco was delivering cigarettes to Penzance Superette and was behind the counter, when a man entered the shop and asked the driver for his keys.

“The man put his hand behind his back as if he had a gun and the driver gave him the keys. He made off with the vehicle, although he only got around 100m up the road before the anti-hijacking device kicked in.

“A blue golf with another two occupants pulled in behind the vehicle, offloaded the boxes of cigarettes and drove off. I called the police while this was in progress and they arrived 15 minutes later,” said the witness.

Manqele said: “There seems to be a syndicate operating in the area which is hitting cigarette companies, as this is the third one in two weeks. Two men were apprehended after last week’s incidents. Police will investigate today’s hijacking,”

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