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Take the good with the bad, says centenarian

Doreen Chilman celebrated her 100th birthday with her friends on Monday.

ACCEPTING changes as they come, and a little bit of luck thrown in as well, are the reasons centenarian Doreen Chilman attributes to her long life.

Doreen celebrated her 100th birthday at her home in Garden Grove, Musgrave, on Monday 26 May.

Born in Liverpool in 1914 she was just 14 years old when she went to live with an aunt in a large country estate in Wales. It was there that she learnt to drive and helped her aunt and uncle with the many weekend parties held at their home.

When she was 17, Doreen went to a hospital in Hull to train as a nursing sister. When war broke out there was a desperate need for nursers in London and Doreen found herself nursing at a London hsopital throughout the war. It was here she wintessed the suffering of many people.

After the war, she and a close friend embarked on an adventure to see the world. Their first stop was Cape Town, and then Durban.

Doreen fell in love with Durban and described it as the perfect sized city with the best weather and the friendliest people. It was no surprise when her travels ended here. It wasn’t long before she had found work as a nurse at Entabeni Hospital and some years later was put in charge of the nurses’ training. She became matron at Entabeni Hospital and served there until her retirement in 1974.

Passionate about her work and totally dedicated to nursing, Doreen still managed to find time to play golf, socialise and travel extensively. She was as enthusiastic about her retirement years as she had been about her working years, filling her time by helping others, especially if they were ill, playing golf and other activities.

“To accept life and changes in life as they come, changes concerning you and the world around you, is important. You have to take the good with the bad! It’s vital to find a happy medium in life and be joyful. I have been lucky to have my health, which is the most important thing. You have to watch what you eat, but not be finicky, everything in moderation! I’ve also been lucky to have wonderful friends in my life,” said Doreen.

Jill Thompson, the daughter of one of Doreen’s good friends, said she and her sister Liz cared deeply for Doreen.

“She has been part of our family as she hasn’t had any family for the past 20 years. She is a special person and it’s been a pleasure to have her as part of the family!” she said.

Jill came out from the UK to spend Doreen’s birthday with her. Doreen was treated to tea and cake with friends and a special lunch with her close friends, on Monday.

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