
Trish is set for tenth Comrades

ECR's general manager Trish Taylor talks Comrades, days before tackling her tenth ultra marathon.

“I vowed to do only one!” said East Coast Radio’s General Manager, Trish Taylor, as she looked back at the first time she tackled the world’s oldest and toughest ultra-marathon. Now, with just a few days before this year’s Comrades Marathon, Trish is getting ready to tackle her tenth race.

So what makes her do it every year? “Comrades is known as the ultimate human race, so it’s the challenge and the experience on the day, which is incredible and very tough at the same time. This is what lures me back,” explained Trish.

Trish added, “Comrades also gives my training a purpose and a goal, which helps keep me disciplined and fit.”

When the going gets tough during the race, Trish turns to fellow runners for inspiration and encouragement. “There is a special unity that exists with other Comrades runners and when I am struggling I lean on this unity and in turn, when I see a runner hurting, I encourage them. I motivate myself by being reminded about the many hours, early mornings, long races and sacrifices I have made to participate in this race. It’s also a privilege to participate in the Comrades Marathon and that’s what keeps me going.”

Trish has some helpful advice for Comrades first-timers who are taking on the down-run this year:

“Determine a realistic finishing time and have a race strategy. Break the race up into 10km blocks – it’s mentally more manageable.

You are going to experience pain like you have never felt before, prepare for it and distract yourself by talking to other runners and drawing on the crowd.”

According to Trish, the best advice she received was “to have a race strategy and always stick to it!”

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One Comment

  1. What an awesome outlook Trish has!! She is an inspiration to all of us. Best of luck Trish

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