
I’m reluctant to walk in Berea Park

Berea is definitely not what it used to be, says resident.

EDITOR – With reference to the letter by J Cave regarding “Berea is decaying”.

I absolutely am on board with her. I am reluctant to even think of taking a walk on my own in Berea park.

As for the bikers I am stressed to the limit with their racing up and down Stephen Dlamini (Essenwood) Road, especially around 9pm or later most nights.

Squatters are like seasonal birds. The only difference is that birds choose their moves. These people are clearly “moved” from areas when people tire of them and get the powers that be to do something.

I am all for humps in Musgrave Road. Yes, many have and for some reason we are ignored – never mind the rates we pay.

I would also like to suggest to those who developed the one way to do us all a favour and get one of their sub-contractors to paint a turn left arrow in the left hand lane. If that is done we may have less screeching, hooting and accidents from those who feel it is their road right to cut you off when you have taken the time to plan your route and are “on track”.

Please heed this and help us.

Maureen Donaldson


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