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KZN network helps stranded marine animals

The stranding of marine animals could apply to seals, penguins, sea snakes, turtles and coastal birds as well as whales, dolphins and sharks.

THE Yellow-Bellied Sea Snake that washed up on uMhlanga Beach recently has brought into focus what steps the public needs to follow in the case of stranded marine animals.

What you may not have known is that there is a 24-hour KZN Marine Stranding Network number.

The network is made up of teams of professionals from various organisations who offer their knowledge and resources to assist with marine strandings along the KZN coast.

Also read: Sea snake rescued on uMhlanga beach recovering

The strandings could apply to seals, penguins, sea snakes, turtles and coastal birds as well as whales, dolphins and sharks.

According to the South African Association for Marine Biological Research (SAAMBR), a marine animal is considered ‘stranded when it is unable to return to its natural habitat on its own or without assistance’.

Here are some tips to consider if you come across an animal on our beaches:

1. Call the relevant authorities: This could be a professional, the KZN Marine Stranding Network number, the KZN Sharks Board, a snake catcher or the Centre for Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW), depending on the animal. Give an exact location and directions if the area is remote.

2. Snap a photo of the animal on your cellphone, if possible, without causing it any distress. This helps with identification and decision-making.

3. Do not attempt to lift or handle the animal. There are several reasons some animals become stranded – due to injury/health, to rest or because of rough sea conditions.

4. Stay with the animal if possible, and follow the instructions of the authorities. Remember to keep pets away from the animal.

Important numbers to remember

  • The 24-hour KZN Stranding Network number is 031 328 8222 (office hours) or 031 328 8060 (after hours). This is for all marine animals: dolphins, whales, seals, snakes, turtles, penguins and seabirds.
  • The number for the Centre for Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) is 031 462 1127 (office hours) or 083 212 5281 (after hours). This is for sea birds (excluding penguins).
  • The KZN Sharks Board number is 031 566 0400. This is for whale and dolphin entanglements.
  • You can also contact snake rescuers like Jason Arnold (082 745 6375) or Nick Evans (072 809 5806).


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