
Field’s Hill plans are illogical

Tom Stokes queries the MEC's announcement regarding heavy traffic on Field's Hill.

EDITOR – News that heavy vehicles will still be able to go down Field’s Hill exposes MEC Willies Mchunu’s plans to address this hazardous stretch of road as illogical.

The premise upon which he bases his refusal to impose an outright ban on the usage of Fields Hill by heavy vehicles is that it “would undermine local business”. It is hard to understand which businesses rely on heavy vehicle deliveries in the middle of the night!

Clearly there are other forces at play here because there is no logic in the current plan to ban vehicles above 16 tons and then spend a huge amount of money to increase the size of the road so more heavy vehicles can travel on it.

One can appreciate that a few outlets in Kloof/Gillitts, such as petrol stations, would need heavy vehicle deliveries, but a simple permit system would address this and a sensible compromise achieved.

At present all we have is a ‘dog’s breakfast’ of partial restrictions and illogical time extensions.

Tom Stokes, MPP

Democratic Alliance

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