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When in doubt, say darling!

In his show, Pieter-Dirk Uys sorted out 40 years of distress, disguise and disgust.

DURBANITES were entertained at the newest Pieter-Dirk Uys show When in Doubt, Say Darling, which ran at the Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre last week.

In his show, Pieter-Dirk Uys sorted out 40 years of distress, disguise and disgust, from apartheid to tripartite, from amandla to Nkandla, and happily back to amandla. In his boxes were wigs, glasses, wagging fingers, toyi-toyis, red berets, trump cards of madness, icons and aikonas, from Bezuidenhouts, Raubenheimers and Ramaphosas to Altzheimers.

Uys was outstanding in his performance, where PW Botha impersonated Jacob Zuma, Dr Piet Koornhof solved the Brexit stand-off and there were appearances by Angela Merkel, Theresa May, Nowell Fine and Evita Bezuidenhout.

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