
Safety tips: dealing with a burst tyre

Tyre bursts happen at the most unexpected time. How can you avoid experiencing this and how do you react when it happens?

Drivers have a lot to deal with when they’re on the road and need to be prepared for anything. Having your tyre burst is one such thing. You may not want to think about it, but you do need to know how to handle it should you find yourself stranded on the side of the road. Experiencing a tyre burst could lead to you losing complete control of your car, resulting in a potentially fatal accident.

You may consider yourself a safe driver and your car a safe traveling tool, however anything can happen and a tyre burst is one extremely dangerous situation you want to try and avoid or deal with as best possible. Prevention is certainly better than cure when it comes to road safety.

How to avoid a tyre burst:

  • Double check for any damage or foreign objects on your tyres – One of the most prolific reasons for a tyre burst is that of ‘wear and tear’. There is no escaping the fact that, at some point or another, you will need to replace your tyres. When it comes to a tyre burst, it is almost impossible to predict how your vehicle will react, even if you’ve tried to prepare for it. Should you find yourself in a bursting emergency situation, it is essential to ensure that you remain calm.
  • Check the pressure of your tyres regularly, especially during temperature fluctuations, check the tread of your tyres as often as you fill up,

In the event that your tyres do burst, it’s human nature to panic. Try by all means to not put yourself and other road users in danger by considering these tips:

  • Put your hazard lights on– your vehicle coming to a sudden stop is a hazard for other road users. Switching on your hazard lights in times of trouble will alert other drivers that they need to be even more observant.
  • Ease up on the speed– the most common reaction would be to slam on the brakes, however this could lead to your car rolling or tumbling in the event of a tyre burst. Instead, gradually decrease the pressure on the accelerator, let your vehicle come to a halt and remain steady without braking.
  • Stay safe and don’t try driving– once your car has come to a complete stop, keep your hazards on and place your emergency triangle where other road users will see it. Don’t try pulling over on the side of the road or driving to the nearest garage as this may cause further damage to your car.
  • Get your car sorted– when your car has safely stopped and you’ve put up your safety alerts, you can then safely get your car sorted out. You can either do a quick DIY and change the tyre yourself with your emergency kit or call on your insurer for roadside assistance. Whatever you decide, always remain alert and consider your safety.
  • Stay hands on – keep both your hands on the steering wheel to maintain as much control over your car as possible. Do your best to keep your car steady.

Having a car means added convenience to your day, however, anything can happen on the road to threaten that convenience.

Being observant and paying attention to every detail of your car is important to assure your safety. Regular car maintenance should be done in the form of multi-point and safety checks as well as roadworthy tests. If you detect an abnormal sound coming from your tyre or engine, it’s best to have it checked out as soon as possible. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Car insurance can help you maintain your position of convenience in times of unfortunate incidents. Get in touch with MiWay and find out how you can enjoy #insurancefreedom by getting an obligation-free online quote today!


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