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Civic groups alarmed over proposed gag rule

The Active Citizens’ Movement and the Right2Know Campaign will host a meeting to discuss the Council's amendment to the Rules of Order.

THE Active Citizens’ Movement (ACM) and the Right2Know Campaign (R2K) in KZN have expressed alarm over the municipality’s move to change the Council’s Rules of Order, and will host a meeting to discuss the matter on Saturday, 18 November at St Aidan’s Church Hall, ML Sultan (Centenary) Road, Durban, from 2pm to 4pm.

The organisations say the amendment of the Rules of Order will have the effect, among other things, of closing certain meetings to the public and the media where investigations, reports or internal audit reports could be ‘compromised by public disclosure’, interfering with the right of the media to record and report on proceedings in council in all available ways unless the Speaker or Exco Chair allows it, and stopping councillors, traditional leaders, officials or the media from using cellphones or computers to communicate information during meetings.

ALSO READ: Hands off social media, says R2K campaign

The ACM and R2K claim that while under exceptional circumstances, it may be necessary to protect trade secrets, privileged and confidential information, giving these ‘draconian powers’ to Council is a recipe for abuse, corruption and a complete lack of transparency and accountability.

“Our Constitution and the Protection of Access to Information Act guarantee our right to access information. This proposal by council to change the Rules of Order is unconstitutional, unlawful, and just plain wrong! We must fight it and not let council rob us of our rights protected by the Constitution,” said representatives.

The ACM and R2K invite organisations to send two representatives to a consultation to discuss the response to this proposal. Confirm attendance via email to: activecmsa@gmail.com.


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