
Postponed meetings cost money

The DA says ANC eThekwini councillors have failed their mandate by not attending committee meetings.

EDITOR – The Democratic Alliance in eThekwini is concerned with the continuous postponement of committee meetings, particularly that of the Local Labour Forum in Human Settlement and Infrastructure.

The committee could not form a quorum because of the low number of councillors attending the meeting. The committee is made up of three ANC councillors and one DA councillor. All three ANC councillors absconded.

At this meeting, a discussion with union leaders was to take place to address their concerns over labour issues. This was to ensure that we avoid any industrial action in eThekwini during the festive season.

This is not the first time that this has happened. Several meetings have been postponed this year due to ANC councillors not attending the meetings.

We have subsequently written to eThekwini Speaker, Councillor William Mapena, asking him to give us the breakdown of the costs in organising the sub-committee meetings. We want to establish how much the municipality wastes in catering for these meetings that always end up being cancelled.

The DA is concerned that some public representatives have forgotten the mandate that voters gave them to serve. We view the cancellation as a fruitless expenditure and we would like to see the Speaker taking action against the culprits.

Councillor Sithembiso Ngema

DA eThekwini Councillor

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