
News from Umbilo SAPS

Umbilo SAPS will investigate a case attempted murder after a policewoman was shot.

Policewoman shot after robbery

A POLICEWOMAN was shot following an armed robbery at the KFC on Rick Turner Road on Saturday.

According to Capt Makaula, two men entered the eatery at around 6.30pm and pointed guns at the cashier, demanding money.

“The men took money from the safe and fled the scene,” she said.

A policewoman who was on her way to work came up behind the men who saw her and thought she was after them.

“The men shot at her vehicle, injuring her. She was taken to hospital,” she said.

Makaula said the men got away. A case of attempted murder is being investigated.

Operation yields results

DRUGS were recovered following a clean-up operation in Umbilo Road last week.

According to Capt Pumzile Makaula from Umbilo SAPS, officers from crime prevention, social crime prevention, the K9 Unit, the communications officer and members of the CPF were involved in the operation which was commanded by the newly appointed visible policing (VISPOL) commander, Stanley Perumall.

The operation involved a school search, searches at liquor outlets as well as stop and searches,. A large amount of drugs were recovered including ecstasy, cocaine, crack cocaine and dagga.




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