
Principles of the Constitution are being violated

Is there any hope that the new president of the ANC will give us some reprieve?

EDITOR – There’s a sense of anxiety that hangs, like mist, over all serious minded South Africans and while we feel this sense of doom and experience the tempest of confusion blowing over our beloved country, the president and his merry men sing and dance the Boss-a-Nova.

It’s this kind of behavior that adds to our sense of uneasiness, anxiety and disenchantment. It’s when the ANC, NEC and NWC send out wrong and contradictory signals when they come out at a press briefing with a message showing solidarity and confidence in the president, that is worrying. It’s as if while he does the Bossa-Nova the top six in the ANC are doing the Bossa-Favour.

To add insult to injury you then have a senior minister reacting to the ratings downgrade with “don’t worry we will pick it up” the president’s son responding to this with “it’s time to open the bubbly” and the sycophantic ANCYL, who always appear to be reading from the puppeteer’s script, blaming the downgrades on “White Monopoly Capital and Western Imperialism. To record the ANCWL’s reaction will be embarrassing to say the least.

In 23 years we have witnessed our country being delivered from autocracy to democracy and in the past eight years we have slowly witnessed the country being drawn into a quagmire of kelptocracy. Every cardinal principle that underpins our Constitution and the Bill of Rights has been violated in the name of radical economic transformation. It’s so contradictory that it borders on debauchery and betrayal especially when over 50 million people still believe there’s hope and those promises made by the kleptocrats will be fulfilled. It’s reprehensible that these people will continue to believe that the ANC will unshackle them from a state of poverty and desperation.

Is there any hope that the new president of the ANC to be elected at the Elective Conference in December 2017 will give us some reprieve. The front runner is Cyril Ramaphosa, and in his recent utterances seems to have the will and the guts to take the ANC and the country in the right direction especially when the people have lost faith in the process of democracy and genuinely feel that democracy has not served them. The voter apathy is reflective in the stats of how the number of actual voters has dwindled with every election since 1994. Hopefully, those who are going to vote for the next president take this voter apathy into account and put South Africa first.



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