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Park earmarked for upgrade

"This is the gateway to the area, and it is important to ensure it looks better, as it is currently an eyesore."

WARD 28 PR councillor, Nicole Graham has her sights set on fixing up issues at the lower section of Che Guevara Road, in particular her focus is on the Pat Ramsay Gardens, a park in Che Guevara (Moore) Road which is in dire need of a face-lift.

Graham said the park was a gateway to the area and it was important that it was spruced up. “Currently, it is an eyesore,” she said. In November last year, Graham raised the matter of the park with the city and requested that it be included with other parks due for an upgrade in the city’s 100 Parks campaign.

“I asked Parks if this park could be included as it really needs some attention. It is not in a nice condition. There are piles are rubbish and rubble dumped in the park, along with used condoms, the grass is long and the park equipment needs attention. I want to ensure it is cleaned and that money is set aside in the capital budget to fix the wall and gate,” she said.

Graham said there were a number of blocks of flats around the park and she felt it would be good to have a clean, safe place for children living in the buildings to play in.


“The second issue I aim to address is businesses in the road operating illegally. I have been informed some are incorrectly zoned and have reported this to the relevant department. The municipality is in the process of initiating enforcement on this, which I will need to follow up on,” she said.



A third issue she is tackling is the challenge of public cleanliness and illegal dumping in the road which has become an ongoing issue.

“We put up ‘no dumping’ signs last year, however we need to create proper enforcement around the blocks of flats which put out their rubbish on incorrect days. I will be doing relevant inspections of pavements and manhole covers,” she said.

Graham said she was in consultation with Beverley Burne from the Umbilo Business Forum which was trying to improve the state of the area.


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