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Berea SAPS warn against drunk driving

Berea police once again warn motorists they will take a zero tolerance approach to drunk drivers this festive season a week after a world renowned travel blogger was killed in a crash allegedly involving a drunk driver.

BEREA police are once again warning the public, especially motorists to steer clear from driving when indulging in alcohol. The stern zero-tolerance on the matter came from Berea SAPS communications officer Captain PN Naidoo.

According to Naidoo, a joint operation at about 22.30pm on Saturday night between SAPS and Metro Police reeled in eight drivers who were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. Two other motorists were arrested over the weekend in separate incidents.

“We are approaching the festive season, people’s lives are in danger if you drink and drive, so stop this, there will be many roadblocks during this season and you will be arrested if you are caught,” he warned.

While Naidoo understood the festive season was a time where many attended parties and indulged in alcohol, he said partying safely was imperative.

“Have something to eat before consuming alcoholic beverages and eat high protein foods that will stay in your stomach longer and slow the absorption of alcohol into your system. Remember, only time will eliminate the alcohol from your body, so know your safe limit and never drink and drive.”

Naidoo said motorists who even think they might be drinking should call a cab or get a family member to drop and pick them up.

Last weekend, world renowned travel blogger and social media specialist, Andy Carrie was killed in a crash on the Berea. One of the drivers involved was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and culpable homicide.

Family and friends of Carrie, who had a huge impact on the global social media scene, created a hastag #LiveLikeAndy and encouraged people to live life to the fullest with enthusiasm and zeal as Carrie had lived. Events to pay tribute to Carrie have come in the form of walks, Instagram get together’s in his honour and a celebratory church service of his life at Glenridge Church this week.

At least a hundred surfers including Andy Carrie’s family and friends paid tribute to the legendary blogger, adventurer with a paddle out off Moyo Pier on Sunday morning.

Check out the video compiled of the celebratory event:


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