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Right2Know condemns brutal actions against students

The Right2Know Campaign held a small but peaceful march to the SAHRC offices asking them to investigate student brutality during #FeesMustFall protests.

THE Right2Know (R2K) Campaign in KZN held a peaceful march on Thursday from Botha Park to the South African Human Rights Commission offices to support the plight of students. However, the large numbers of students they were supporting did not attend the march.

Thabane Miya, KZN co-ordinator R2K co-ordinator said they marched to the SAHRC offices because they wanted the HRC intervention in conducting investigations into student brutality and incidents of students being opposed bail by the courts. “We feel it's unconstitutional because bail is not a privilege, it is a right and the HRC should intervene and play a role in this infringement on these students' rights,” he said.

The R2K campaign strongly condemned the brutal manner in which police have dealt with protesting students at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. “We are also deeply concerned by the manner in which the institution and the police handled a case of alleged sexual assault of a female student by a police officer which was also reported,” he said.

The Campaign previously called on university management to ensure that the institution remained a safe environment for all students and staff regardless of the current volatile situation. “Although we do not condone violent protests, it is imperative that the Institution respects the right to protest and urgently addresses the students’ grievances in a more dignified manner to end this conflict,” added Miya.

A UKZN student, one of only a handful of students at the march told Berea Mail, “We are here because we are tired of police on campus, terrorising and brutalising us and our friends. The problem is nobody is holding the University accountable for bringing these people onto campus,”

Aspiring student, Lizwi Molulo, said he attended the march because he supported the cause the students were fighting for. “I want to study marketing next year and cannot afford to, I'm looking at bursaries but the fees are ridiculous,” he said.

Meanwhile, students celebrated the release of Lukhanyo “Bhanda” Mtshingana a UKZN student from Pinetown Court on Monday. Mtshingana is a popular figure in the #FeesMustFall movement who was one of the students arrested with two lecturers at UKZN's Pietermaritzburg campus last Thursday.

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