
DUT #feesmustfall student denied bail

A DUT #FeesMustFall student protester was denied bail at Durban magistrates court this week.

A DUT #FeesMustFall student protester was denied bail at the Durban Magistrate Court on Monday.

The magistrate, Jackie Jonck, believed it was not in the interests of justice to release the student after video evidence was brought by the state showing the student assaulting police with stones. While the magistrate noted the #FeesMustFall had merit, she said students did not have a right to act in a destructive manner, attack law enforcement or stop the academic programme of the university.

The student was arrested on 27 September when a group of students march between the Durban University of Technology’s Steve Biko and ML Sultan residences.

The defence attorney for the student did not appeal and the case was adjourned to 2 December.

A #KZNFeesMustFall student activist told Berea Mail, “It is heartbreaking that students are criminalised so easily, in a country where rapists, thieves and murders roam freely.”

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