
Armed robbery outside school

Six year old watches armed robbery of construction manager outside DHS on Saturday.

A FATHER and son who were watching the water polo festival at Durban High School on Saturday witnessed an armed robbery take place across the road.

The father, who wished to remain anonymous, told Independent on Saturday his six-year-old boy had tried to explain that he had seen men with guns robbing man while they were watching the warer polo match, but that he had not paid much attention until his son mentioned the robbers had guns. When the man finally looked in the direction at the robbery, he allegedly saw the men run off close to the school gate armed with AK47 rifles.

According to Berea police communications officer, Captain PN Naidoo, a construction company manager was robbed outside the entrance of the school by three armed suspects who held the victim up before they robbed him and fled. He added the manager had withdrawn cash for wages when he was robbed. The robbery is being investigated by Berea SAPS detectives.

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