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Meet Ward 33’s new councillor

Berea Mail had a one-on-one with the newly elected Ward 33 Councillor Mmabatho Tembe who told us a bit more about herself, what inspired her to get into the political game, her favourite Durban leisure activity and what scares her.

MEET new Ward 33 councillor, Mmbatho Tembe,  who chats to Berea Mail and shares a little about her dreams and reveals things about herself that few people know!

1. What has been the highlight of your year so far (and why)?

The highlight of my year is winning Ward 33 and becoming a Ward Councillor. Hard work pays off!

2. What is your favourite Durban leisure activity?

My favourite Durban leisure is finding little places for lunch, there are so many places in Glenwood.

3. What made you become a politician? When was it that you decided it would be your career path and why?

I’ve always wanted to change the world, childhood dreams I know.  I believe being a politician helps me in a little way to do that. I decided a couple of years ago to follow this path but had ground work to do. Studying psychology assists me in understanding people better and how to help them. I will always strive my best in helping people.

4. What is your favourite kind of meal? And least favourite?

I love ALL kinds of meals, hard to pick just one.

 5. How do you keep fit?

Honestly, I do not keep fit (very bad). I have a gym contract I don’t use, that will change though (I hope).

6. What do you feel are three things that make South Africa great?

Definitely its amazing people, our democracy and the weather.

7. What does Women’s Day mean to you?

Woman’s Day means  I must never give up. United (as women) we stand firm.

8. Which female personality do you admire in politics? and why?

Lindiwe Mazibuko – she stood firm and strong in midst of a lot of negativity. And remained authentically herself always.

9. The funniest thing that ever happened to you during your campaigning?

It has to be people trying to pronounce my name, I get all sorts.

10. Three things about yourself that most people don’t know?

I love watching movies, could do it all day.

I’m not as nice as people think I am hehehe, I can be quiet fierce but I do have a huge heart.

I’m afraid of the dark.

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