
Get tax Q’s answered at SARS tax walk on Durban’s promenade

SARS Commissioner, Tom Moyane he will be at the Durban promenade on Saturday, 30 July engaging the public at the SARS Walk for Tax.

DURBANITES are invited to get over the fear of tax season as the SARS Commissioner, Tom Moyane leads SARS employees in a Walk for Tax at the beachfront promenade (opposite Elangeni Hotel) this Saturday, 30 July at 8.30am.

Walk-for-Tax will be taking place across the country. The Durban leg this weekend follows Walk-for-Tax Pretoria which kick-started tax season on 01 July. More than 1400 SARS employees participated on an 11, 75km route through the bustling city centre of Pretoria, handing useful tax information to vendors, informal traders, and members of the public. The Durban event will see Commissioner Moyane hand over the figurative ‘tax-collection baton’ to branches in the region, and raise awareness on Tax Season 2016 that was started this month.

The event is part of a nationwide drive to show the commitment and readiness of SARS staff across the country to provide excellent service to taxpayers.

The commissioner will also engage with taxpayers one-on-one and demystify the terrifying tax myths.

Speaking ahead of the KwaZulu Natal leg of Walk-for-Tax, Commissioner Moyane said the aim of the initiative is to create awareness about the importance of tax payment.

“Paying tax is cool because it is the highest form of patriotism where individuals and companies make a direct contribution toward the improvement of quality of life for all the citizens of our country.

“Above all, Walk-for-Tax aims to demonstrate to South Africa that SARS is ready to serve taxpayers during Tax Season and reach new heights with the revenue target of R1.175 trillion.

“We want to declare in all our ten regions that SARS is at the service of the nation and we encourage everyone to be compliant,” said Moyane.

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