
Hawks shut down counterfeit factory in CBD

Hawks officers seized counterfeit clothing worth close to a million Rand at a factory in the Durban CBD yesterday.

OFFICERS of the Hawks Counterfeit Team closed down a counterfeit factory in the Durban CBD yesterday.

According to Captain Simphiwe Mhlongo of the Hawks, officers received a complaint from a Nike brand holder about street vendors who were selling their brand in the street. “Hawks members pursued the information, which led them to a certain building in the Durban CBD. A search warrant was obtained and an operation was conducted on Tuesday, 28 June. The Nike brand protection manager was at the scene to identify their brand,” he explained.

Mhlongo said counterfeits goods, including Nike, Puma, Vans, Levis, Adidas and Roxy branded clothing valued at approximately R900 000, were seized. “Members also seized sewing machines and other equipment used to manufacture counterfeits. The owner of the factory is still at large and no arrest has been made at this stage,” he added.

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