
Exco is culpable of mismanagement

Save Our Berea feels this country needs people in leadership who have had the courage to speak out against the excesses of the ANC and it’s president.

EDITOR – Almost every day this week there is a new story in the media which shows up the inability of the people elected to manage this city. Example after example of them not having the ability to do the job.

We are inundated by adverts (for which we pay) and spin from the appointed spin-doctors that our city is well run and something of which we should be proud. But that is blatant lie.

What are the reasons? The first is that we have a City Manager who is nowhere near capable of the doing the job. Why? Because, he is a political appointment who got his job via the policy of cadre deployment and cronyism.

But the second more important reason is that we the ratepayers are suffering because there are two factions in the ANC. The City Manager is quite rightly taking the heat, but every member of the ruling part who sits on Exco, is culpable of mismanagement.

The Exco, is the board of directors of our “company” and where in the private sector would there not be heads rolling for such serial incompetence. But we are governed by an arrogant, self-serving group of politicians who DO NOT care about the people.

We have stated time and time again that we are not aligned to any political party and have been critical of both the ANC and the DA where we think it is warranted. Our only allegiance is to ourselves, and our fellow ratepayers and we will support any councillor that puts us first. But it is sad and unfortunate that those that run this city, just like our President are putting the ANC, and what is worse, one faction of the ANC, before our city, provincial and national well-being.

There is a council election in August and long-serving ANC councillor and Exco member; Fawzia Peer has made it known that she will stand on the Berea. Councillor Peer, has a long history of serving the people of Durban. She has engaged SAVE OUR BEREA in a private meeting. She has attended one of our public meetings, all of which is commendable. But she too is putting her political party first. Not the people.

What this country needs now are people like Minister Gordhan, ex minister Nene and Public Protector, Thuli Madonsela, all of whom are card-carrying members of the ANC. But they have had the courage to speak out against the excesses of the ANC and it’s president. At this time in our history we need those people of courage. This is NOT the ANC of Nelson Mandela. That is why so many legends of the struggle are speaking out. CllrPeer will be questioned long and hard, where she stands on these issues. Is she a supporter of the constitution and the amazing work of Thuli Madonsela or she a supporter of the mindless utterances of the ANCWL and the ANCYL who continue to insult the Public Protector.

She will need to answer why she voted for the 317 Currie Road debacle where she toed the party line like a lamb, and where she obeyed the ANC before the people of Durban.

Cheryl Johnson

Kevin Dunkley

Save Our Berea

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