
Musgrave Centre responds to car theft incident

Musgrave Centre management respond after a car was stolen from their parking lot last month.

MUSGRAVE Centre management has processes in place to fight crime in the centre and has been successful in minimising incidents. So said Nicole Gounden, marketing manager of Musgrave Centre in response to a report published in Berea Mail last week in which Laurence Tuck, a Morningside residents slammed the centre’s response after he reported his vehicle stolen from the centre.

Tuck, was unimpressed and angry with the assistance he received after his white GTI Golf was stolen from the Centre’s parking lot last month.

Nicole Gounden, marketing manager Musgrave Centre said the Centre made every endeavour to ensure safety and security and to reduce the impact of crime on shoppers. “We work closely with our security, local enforcement agencies and police to curb violence, theft and other threats to our shoppers. As such, Musgrave Centre has managed to minimize incidents far below the surrounding area norm, she explained.

When these instances do unfortunately occur, Gounden attributed the incidents to “specialised syndicates operating in the greater Musgrave / Berea area, during which time crime peaks over a short period of time.”

“We do have processes and procedures in place to try rectify these matters as swiftly as possible and do call on our shoppers to always be vigilant and careful and to make themselves aware of the relevant signage that we have in and around the centre,” she concluded.

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