
Bylaws are not being enforced

A reader feels the municipality is wasting its time trying to enforce the new Nuisance By-Law.

EDITOR – I live and work in the Glenwood area and have yet to see any of the Nuisance By-laws enforced.

On Friday morning 18 March I observed a Metro van proceed down Davenport Road at about 6.50am completely ignoring the sleeping vagrants outside Woolworths.

With respect I think the municipality is wasting its efforts in the Metro News with articles such as “Public urged to observe by-laws.”

The people who are actually breaking the by-laws are hardly likely to be reading the news supplement in the Mercury.

They are even less likely to “view the full by-law on the City’s website.”

I would suggest a more realistic approach to expecting this new by-law to be enforced.

What is amazing is that despite extensive correspondence on this issue the subject of motorists not stopping at the Brand/Cromwell Roads intersection does not receive any attention and is reaching epic proportions despite Tozi Mthethwa stating that the stop street law is “enforceable”.

Perhaps she should spend just one hour there to see that it is only a matter of time before someone is killed through the city’s inability to enforce traffic laws. Yet it has the ability to sponsor music artists – a complete misallocation of funds.

Tony Ball

Bulwer Road

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