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What the people say about the Finance minister re-shuffle

While the President's recent reshuffle of South Africa's finance minister over the past week had seen many a tongues wagging on social media, Berea Mail took to the streets of Durban to see what people had to say.

TONGUES may have wagged endlessly on social media over President Zuma's recent “overnight” cabinet shuffle of the country's finance minister but when Berea Mail took to the streets of Durban to see what people had to say, many shied away from our camera.

The shock announcement of the president's decision to replace finance minister Nhlanhla Nene with David van Rooyen and again replace van Rooyen with Pravin Gordhan played havoc with markets and sent exchange rates to an all-time low.

Gordhan, who was finance minister during Zuma’s first term as president, will come back to the position he had previously held for five years.

Here's what locals had to say:

Kyle McClure: “I don't think it is good for the President to re-shuffle cabinet ministers. It is sad that the rand is down and this just makes things worse. It may be good for foreign exchange and the people overseas but we in SA are suffering.”

Kemuel Moodley: “It's ridiculous that the President made such decisions. The changes in finance minister will definitely be a bad reflection and already the rand is fluctuating so badly. This has also showed his overall leadership. The only good thing is he has reinstated Pravin Gordhan which is a good decision because of his sound knowledge and experience.

Lungani Mdamba: “President Jacob Zuma made a decision, which he is entitled to as the president of the country and the other quick decision came after media and people complaining. “With his initial decision, I think people should appreciate that the president listens to our comments and complaints. I was shocked on Friday but not on Monday when I heard the news.”

Mbuso Mhlongo: “Whilst I did hear about the recent changes of our Finance Minister, I wasn't phased by it.”

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