
Zero tolerance for drunk drivers, warns Berea SAPS

Berea police are warning motorists of their zero-tolerance approach to drunken driving ahead of the festive season.

BEREA police have issued a strong message to motorists to eliminate drunken drivers from the roads this festive season.

According to Captain TD Gumede, communications officer at Berea SAPS, three motorists were arrested for drunk driving at a roadblock in the early hours of Saturday morning.

“This is ahead of our festive season operations which we are building up to implement in the coming weeks. The whole purpose of the roadblocks is to ensure that there is a deterrent to driving under the influence of alcohol. We want to discourage drunken driving so will continue with these operations,” he explained.

Gumede added that Berea SAPS was taking a zero-tolerance approach on drunk driving. “If you are thirsty, rather drink at home or call a cab or get a sober driver, but don’t drink and drive,” he warned.

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