
Glenmore elderly couple still in shock after break-in

An elderly Glenmore couple were held up and threatened in their home by a man believed to be high on whoonga.

A GLENMORE couple are still in reeling from shock after their home was broken into by a man believed to high on drugs over the weekend.

The Grosvenor Road couple, both in their seventies, spoke to Berea Mail on conditions of anonymity relaying their ordeal. “My granddaughter had visited for lunch and just left so I was reading a book and my husband was watching the soccer, it was just after four in the afternoon, when I heard a strange sound. Our tenant then screamed from the outbuilding and I went to look out the door when I saw a young man in his twenties with wild eyes outside,” said the wife.

The grandmother proceeded to lock her door and went to inform her husband who was in the lounge engrossed in the soccer match but the stealthy intruder had come down to the main house and was outside the lounge and bashed their huge glass window before she got there.

“It was such a loud shattering noise, I can still hear it,” the woman said on Sunday, adding that she couldn’t sleep since the incident, “He just came inside, didn’t care about the shattered glass and threatened my husband. I shouted, No! when I ran in and grabbed my husband and ran up the stairs to our bedroom he pushed the panic button as we ran and locked the door and put a chair against it to barricade ourselves,” she explained.

Blue Security and Umbilo police were at the home in minutes much to the couple’s delight. “We were in the room for what felt like ten minutes before police and security arrived. We actually saw the guy walk away through our bedroom window with our stuff. His eyes were wild when he confronted us and that’s why we believe he was on something. I’m grateful to God that we weren’t harmed and the police and Blue for their quick response. We can’t praise them enough,” she added.

The couple later found out that the man broke into their outbuilding and told our tenant not to scream and took her cellphone and wallet.

Lieutenant Phumzile Makaula, communications officer at Umbilo SAPS, said Umbilo police were investigating the house robbery. “If anyone in the Glenmore area finds the woman’s brown leather bag, please bring it to the station.”

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